Garage Grande
Deinhardsteingasse 12,
1160 Wien
Opening: 24.04.2024 | 18:00 – 21:00
Exhibition duration: 25.04. – 27.04.2024
Opening hours: Donnerstag – Freitag: 14:00 – 19:00 | Samstag: 10:00 – 14:00
Closing: 27.04.2024 | 10:00 – 14:00
Guadalupe Aldrete, Ana de Almeida, Monica C. LoCascio, Noushin Redjaian, Huda Takriti, Carlos Vergara, Anastasiya Yarovenko
Exhibition management: Olesya Shuvarikova, Ema Simova
Assistance to the management: Sophie Jansen, Anna Kudla
Coummunication: Laura Birschitzky, Julia Riedel
YCC-Teamsupervision: Laura Birschitzky, Julia Harrauer
Graphic Design: @paragraphdesignstudio
How does our memory take shape? In the exhibition, restructured, reshaped and preserved recollections are embodied in various forms and materials. By engaging with traces and fragments of specific objects, events, or feelings, the works imaginatively reconstruct connections to the past. Drawing on archiving as a tool for both remembering and forgetting, they explore the interplay of collective and personal memory, and its impact on our current lives. All in all, emphasising the precarious nature of memory, but also its resistance against the powers of erasure.